Viv Cox – Times Obituary

Film producer who worked with many big names of the 1950s and 1960s British cinema and then turned to schoolmastering

Viv Cox won respect, and some fame, producing films at Pinewood Studios and for Rank. Among the better known actors he worked with were Dirk Bogarde and Hattie Jacques. Spike Milligan, the Goon Show comic genius, was another of his contemporaries.

Cox’s career in films began after demobilisation in 1946. After working with Sydney, Muriel and Betty Box at Shepherd’s Bush Studios, he became associate producer to Betty Box and then producer at Pinewood Studios.

Among his early films were So Long at the Fair (with Jean Simmons and Dirk Bogarde, 1950), Father Brown (with Alec Guinness, 1954) and Bachelor of Hearts (with Hardy Kruger and Sylvia Syms, scripted by Cox’s friends Leslie Bricusse and Frederic Raphael, 1958).
From 1959 to 1967 Cox worked as an independent producer and screenwriter for Rank Studios, producing such titles as Watch Your Stern (with Spike Milligan, Leslie Phillips, Hattie Jacques and Kenneth Connor, 1960)and We Joined the Navy (with
Kenneth More, 1962). Between 1960 and 1976 Cox produced all the stage shows for the annual Royal Command Film Performance and hosted the royal party.

His lifelong love of France and good food were cleverly combined in a television series that he produced on French regional cooking, in which he motored around France in a powder-blue sports car, enjoying excellent fare and often featuring in front of the camera as well as behind it.

Vivian Alexander Cox was born in 1915 in Bangalore, South India, the second of five children of Winifred and Alexander Cox. He was educated in Switzerland, then at Cranleigh School and at Jesus College, Cambridge, where he read English.

He did well academically, on the stage and in sports. At Cranleigh he starred under the direction of a young Michael Redgrave, who briefly taught at the school, in John Milton’s Samson Agonistes, and Shakespeare’s King Lear and Hamlet. At Cambridge he acted in two Footlights reviews, and his sporting prowess earned him a blue for hockey and four England caps in 1937.

After three years as head of English and Drama at Aldenham School, he joined the RNVR in 1940. He served on the minesweeping trawler HMS Euclase, was commissioned as a sub-lieutenant and selected to work in the Admiralty War Room.

While there, he set up the floating map room for Winston Churchill on HMS Duke of York, and accompanied the Prime Minister to Washington where, at President Roosevelt’s request, he set up a similar map room in the White House. Cox later recalled a late-night conversation when Churchill said to Cox of Roosevelt: “It is a great mercy for all mankind that he’s been called to this great office at this moment in history.”

After a brief respite from the war in London, spending time at Denham Studios with Noel Coward, Bernard Miles and John Mills among others, in 1942 Cox was appointed Junior Staff Officer (Flag Lieutenant) to Vice-Admiral Bruce Fraser and served on HMS Anson.

The following year he sailed with Fraser, promoted Admiral, on HMS Duke of York, witnessing the sinking of the Scharnhorst. Other highlights of a remarkable war career included entertaining King George VI for 90 minutes with impersonations of naval characters, and being with Fraser for the Japanese surrender.

At the invitation of General McArthur, he was one of the first four Allied servicemen into Tokyo after the surrender, riding shotgun in a jeep. Later he recalled: “Strangely, people in the street didn’t seem to see us. Whether they’d been told to ignore us, I don’t know.”

In 1967 Cox returned to his first profession and his alma mater, teaching English, French and Drama at Cranleigh School. A gifted and inspiring teacher, he taught for eight years, during which he also directed several plays, including Hassan with Juliet Stephenson.

From 1975 until his retirement in 1982 he worked with Sir Bernard Miles as administrator at London’s Mermaid Theatre. In 1977 he translated Henri de Montherlant’s The Fire That Consumes, winning the Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Play. He subsequently translated two other plays from the French, both per-formed in the US and directed by his friend, Louis Fantasia.

Cox was president of the Old Cranleighan Society, and among other donations gave the school the Vivian Cox Theatre — opened by Sir John Mills, and with a green-room facility donated by his friend and US entrepreneur, Harry C. Meyerhoff.

His wideranging experiences, memory and wit made Cox a popular raconteur. To his boss, Bruce Fraser, he was “a cross between Encyclopaedia Britannica and a court jester”. To his family and many friends, he was an ebullient character with a great sense of humour, glittering lifestyle and an unrivalled propensity to name-drop.
Cox did not marry.

Vivian Cox, film producer and schoolmaster, was born in 1915. He died on April 27, 2009 aged 93