Launch of the Vivian Cox Society

Few people in Cranleigh’s rich history have contributed more to the fabric of the School during their lifetime than the late President of the OC Society, Vivian Cox, who sadly passed away earlier this year at the age of 93.

Vivian had, in so many ways, already left a lasting legacy to Cranleigh, thanks to the years he spent here as a boy and later in his life as a teacher of English, French and Drama (imbuing the pupils with all the experience garnered during his years as a producer in the heyday years of Pinewood Studios, where he worked with the likes of Dirk Bogarde, Alec Guinness and Noel Coward). He maintained his close involvement with the School throughout his retirement – and he also generously chose to leave a substantial gift to Cranleigh in his will.

It is entirely fitting, therefore, that Cranleigh’s new Legacy Society should bear the name of one of our foremost and much loved benefactors, and will be known as The Vivian Cox Society. The Vivian Cox Society has been created to assist Old Cranleighans and other friends of the School with the process of bequeathing to Cranleigh in their Wills. At the same time, the Society would like to provide an opportunity to recognise the generosity of its members, and to thank them for their kind contribution towards the Foundation’s work.

Members of the Society will receive an annual invitation to a lunch hosted by the Headmaster at the School, and personal invitations to other notable School events held over the course of each year – wonderful opportunities to return to Cranleigh, catch up with old friends, and discuss the work that the Foundation is doing and share your thoughts.

Understandably, some may wish their legacy provision to remain an entirely private affair, and this we will of course respect. However, we very much hope that others will welcome the opportunity for interaction with kindred spirits for whom the security of Cranleigh School’s future remains a uniting priority. The potential impact and benefits to a school such as Cranleigh of an effective Legacy Society cannot be understated, and while the actual disbursement of the gifts may not be forthcoming for years – sometimes even decades – forward and strategic planning for capital development projects (such as the recently opened Emms Academic Centre and new Art & Design Faculty, the ongoing Chapel Restoration Project, and 2010’s `Rugby Excellence’ and Multi-Sport Clubhouse project) and also for Foundationer Bursary endowments is considerably aided. Cranleigh was founded on the generosity and foresight of key individuals of its era – and every donation, no matter how small, helps to ensure that its future development continues in the same visionary vein as its past, so maintaining its position as one of the UK’s leading independent schools.

If you would like to bequeath a legacy to Cranleigh School in your Will, please contact David Waters in the Foundation Office for more information – tel: 01483 542135 or email: If you have already made a legacy provision to Cranleigh School in your will, please do inform the Foundation Office of your bequest. As such a benefactor, you are most welcome to accept automatic membership of the Vivian Cox Society.