Chapel renovation continues

The new Organ, already paid for thanks to an OC’s outstanding generosity, is awaiting the full funds needed to enable its installation within a tiered organ gallery, designed to provide much-needed additional House seating – please see the artist’s impression on page 38 of

The Old Cranleighan. The white paint is already removed from the walls to reveal the original glory of Woodyer’s 1869 building, and future plans include new lighting and seating. No school project has excited me personally more than the Chapel’s restoration, or inspired more approbation among OCs and former staff I have heard from. Some have already been generous in their financial support for it, and I do encourage readers to consider making a contribution. The circulation of Contact is well over 4,000, so just think what comparatively small amounts could total … even £1 for every hymn you sang in the Chapel. Maybe if you sang loudly (how could you forget those weekly ‘Congo’ practices?!), £10 a hymn or more!

Your contact: David Waters at the Foundation Office – 01483 542135 or Let’s keep up the good work …