South West branch reunion

Organiser Stuart Wheeler (2 North, 1968) writes:  held another highly enjoyable luncheon at the Shrubbery Hotel, Ilminster, Somerset on Friday May 14.

Eighteen OCs were in attendance, and in fine voice, especially when remembering various highly politically incorrect incidents from their times at Cranleigh over the years. The oldest leaver dated from 1944 and the youngest from 1968 so we covered a wide range of years, headmasters and experiences.

Mike Payne, OC Liaison, attended and gave his usual amusing and interesting summary of what was happening back at the school. David Waters, director of the Cranleigh Foundation, was also present and able to explain the intent and achievement of that relatively new body.

Everybody much enjoyed themselves and the 14th reunion will be held in May 2011 again on a Friday. I hope more of you would like to join us, and maybe if coming from outside the area you could make a long weekend of it.

If you need any information contact the secretary Stuart Wheeler on