Ladies clean up in OC Golf Day

Thirty-three geriatric OCs assembled at Cranleigh on Wednesday June 2 for this annual golf event. Unlike last year the weather was fabulous, the course presented excellently but to prove a very tough challenge even to the single figure handicaps present. This year, like cricket squares, the greens were a little rough due to the lack of good spring rain.

Over bacon rolls and coffee, due respect was given to close friends who had contributed much to OC sports and had died this year: Hardy Gillingham, John Griffiths, Tony Loveland and John Sutton. On a more cheerful note, in keeping with the occasion, participant Donald Stephen was presented with a gift to mark his 80th birthday. Donald was best remembered as the scrum half & captain of the OCRFC but has supported all OC activities enthusiastically over many years. Not the longest passer of a rugby ball, mention was made of all the OC fly halves now dead (Holmes, Latham, de Clive Lowe, Burnham and Frost) and those many other courageous guys who partnered Donald now in care homes around the home counties still recovering from shellshock and long term concussion!

Sarah Greenwood, i/c school golf, our special guest for the day was warmly greeted. David Willis, recent captain of the OCGS was also making his debut. His poor dress imitation of Baden Powell was brave.

The Team & Individual 18-hole Stableford started at 10.00 am. By the time the champagne (Tattinger Reserve) break was taken it was clear that shock final results were possible. Could the Ladies sustain their performance? Would OC golfing legends Andrew Cronk and ‘Yips’ Elsdon Dew crack once more?

Whether it was the champagne, the hot weather, the hills or ageing bodies lunch was not taken until past 2.00pm. For the first time we held pre lunch drinks, lunch and liqueurs in the Emms Centre atrium. A great success, Helen and her cheerful catering team did very well.

Guy Waller guided a visit to the new developments and gave a brief outline on future plans. Administrator Tim Hill announced the teams for the ever-popular afternoon 9-Hole Texas Scramble.  Tea and prize giving was back in the Common Room.

For the first time in the history of the event the Individual and Team (Hilli Waller, Joy Triggs and Sarah Greenwood) Stableford went to the ladies.

Hilli Waller with 44 points was the runaway winner of the Individual Stableford. The chastened chauvinistic men called immediately for a full Stewards Enquiry! Hilli talking later to the local media modestly put her success down to “clean living, a fit body & luck. You know the more I practice the luckier I seem to get” she declared. The Texas Scramble was won narrowly by team Anthony Fey, John Cooke & Guy Waller with 26.7.

Securicor helped the Wallers home to Crane House with all their prizes