North House raises £5000 for Friends of Tim Trust

We are delighted to report that North House raised more than £5000 for the Friends of Tim Trust, set up to support Tim Evans ( (2&3 South 1994) who is suffering from Multiple Sclerosis.

The school website reported: “[The day] once again proved to be tremendously successfully, not only in its charitable aims, but also in challenging the boys both mentally and physically.   This year, the House was supporting the “Friends of Tim” trust.  Soon after leaving the School Tim was diagnosed with MS and his school-friends set up a trust so that they could help raise money in order to help improve Tim’s quality of life.  As a House we managed to swim the length of the Channel; cycle the length of the Sahara; run the length of England; and climb the height of Everest.  The House spirit on the day was amazing and, as ever, the matron and tutor teams provided immeasurable support.  The day was a huge success and great fun, and we look forward to next year’s challenge.”