Ted Jackson completes 7 X 7 X 7 challenge

Ted Jackson's wife Sophie surprises him in Madrid, January 21, 2015
Ted Jackson’s wife Sophie surprises him in Madrid, January 21, 2015

Ted Jackson (2&3 South, 1990) completed his amazing goal of running seven marathons in seven days in seven continents in January.

After having two weeks off work for The World Marathon Challenge, Ted returned to his job as a housemaster at Hurtwood House School.

“It’s now back to reality,” he said. “There is always a post event depression but I’m too tired to think about it.”

He raised £162,000 for Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis, after his childhood sweetheart, now his wife Sophie, was diagnosed in 2010.

“I feel incredibly proud, just blown away by it all,” Sophie said. “The week he was doing it was mad and I was on tenterhooks, waiting to hear how he was doing. All our friends, even people we don’t know who just picked up on our story, were following his progress.”