OC Day 2015

1975 Leavers re-united on OC Day 2015
1975 Leavers re-united on OC Day 2015

The weather was generally kind, the numbers of OCs coming was heartening, the drinks in Quad were enjoyed, the outstanding lunch in Hall or Hog Roast by Jubilee was consumed, a good number went on a school tour, and the cricket, hockey and netball entertained players and spectators alike.

A real feature of OC Days now is the Decade Reunions, this year involving the leaving years 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995 and 2005. Especially well represented were the Years of 1965 and 1975. As well as having their reserved tables in Hall, many came to the drinks in the Pavilion during the afternoon. Over 40 of the 1985 Year met in London on the Saturday evening, and a few survived to come to OC Day too. 1995 are having their get-together in London on 11 July. Many thanks those who volunteered to inspire their contemporaries to come.

The sporting events between OC teams and the School sides were all marked by traditional competitiveness and no little skill. The School defeated the OCs in the cricket, and received the fine trophy awarded to each year’s winner in memory of Colin White (OC) and presented by his widow, Liz. Then School also won the Boys’ hockey (5-1), the Girls’ hockey (4-0) and the Netball (12-8). The OCs will be hoping to get their revenge next year!

The new and impressive collection of 150th Anniversary merchandise was on show and for sale through the day. It includes tankard mugs, leather journals, Dartington Whisky glasses, engraved glass candleholders or vases, silver cufflinks, umbrellas, chocolates, a mug full of history and place mats, all with ‘1865’ markings.

boyshockey girls hockey dininghall ocnetball occricket