On an autumnal evening at the end  of March approximately 40 OCs including a few partners gathered together in a pub in the historic Rocks area of Sydney.

It was a most convivial evening. There were some OCs who hadn’t seen each other since leaving Cranleigh and for some of them that was over 60 years ago – others met for the first time.  There were many varied conversations, some about Cranleigh in “the good old days”; others about Cranleigh as it is now, whilst others talked about how they saw the future of the school.

Grateful thanks go to the OC Society who generously donated money to this event, to Vickie Ingle at the OCS who with Helen Merry gave us enormous help by locating OCs not on our records.

Special thanks too to Simon Savage who chose this excellent venue and finally to the publican who, perhaps wisely, let us have a private room for our meeting as this venue is very popular most nights.

Special mention must be made of OCs who came from long distances, from places such as Adelaide, Brisbane and the north coast of New South Wales.

We had a copy of Martin Williamson’s excellent book “Cranleigh, the first 150 years” on hand which was well thumbed and commented upon throughout the evening.

As we dispersed into the night whether to home or hotel the feeling was that the reunion had been a great success and well worth repeating sometime in the not too distant future.

Barton Furse-Roberts (2&3 South, 1957-1962)