We are delighted to invite you to the inaugural Cranleigh Friends’ candlelit Christmas Carol Service for friends of Cranleigh and OCs at the Chapel on Sunday 8th December.

Cranleigh Friends embraces all sections of the Cranleigh School family – parents, parents of OCs, OCs, former staff and our neighbours so that they can meet one another at events hosted by Cranleigh School.

Knowing how much loved the Cranleigh Carol Services are, we are holding the first Cranleigh Friends’ Christmas Carol Service so that those who are no longer pupils or who no longer have children at the school can take part in one of our popular Christmas serviceS in the Cranleigh Chapel. Singing Christmas carols and hearing the Christmas story in the Chapel is a highlight of the Cranleigh year.

Marcus Pashley, who retired this year after 15 years of service as the School’s Director of Music, has kindly agreed to return to lead a choir made up of musical OCs who may like to join us for this service. If you would like to join this choir – or find out more about taking part, please contact  Please invite your family and friends along too.

After the service, we will gather over mulled wine and mince pies to bring in the festive cheer.

As we expect a high demand for places at this service, places will be ticketed. There will be no charge for tickets. You can book your places here: