OCs complete gruelling memorial ride

Rob Merry reports on how he and nine other friends climbed the peaks of Scafell Pike, Snowdon and Pen y Fan, as well as cycling between them,  in memory of their close friend Tom Wheeler who sadly passed away in 2005 aged 22

Many thanks to everyone who has kindly donated to Dealers Wheelers.  In the end the challenge we set was even harder than we had expected – thanks to some big hills on the cycling routes, unwelcome rain and an even more unwelcome headwind!  The writing was on the wall when we spent the first night pushing the minibus and trailer (containing the bikes) up 25% gradients in the Lake District.  That meant that we had just a couple of hours sleep before staging our assault on the first of the peaks – Scafell Pike in the rain, and then 83 miles of cycling (with some savage hills getting out of the lake district).

We eventually completed all three peaks (some did four, after doing most of Snowdon twice, thanks to a navigational mishap!) on the fourth day having climbed Pen y Fan in near zero visibility.  With injuries and issues with the bikes taking their toll we decided to finish as a group by cycling down to Cardiff rather than back to London.  Everyone in the group (which included an Atlantic rower, marathon runners and genuine cyclists) agreed that it was one of the toughest challenges if not the toughest that they had attempted.

Thanks again for all the messages of encouragement and everyone who has sponsored us – it made a big difference and combined with the team spirit and cause it got us through some very tough times (like putting wet kit on at dawn before a near 100-mile cycle into a head wind up to Snowdon).

<B>The Team</B>  Andrew Houston, Chris Roe, Dave Hobden, Dom Hammond, James Duncan, Matt Ashman, Paul Ramsey, Richard Callender, Rob Merry, and Sam Langmead.