Win a day out with the Red Arrows

We are pleased to announce will be a silent Red Arrows auction to raise money for multiple sclerosis sufferer Tim Evans (2&3 South, 1994).

Present Red Arrow pilot (and recently elected member of the Cranleigh Foundation) Zane Sennett (2&3 South, 1994) offers to the highest bidders two pairs of tickets to a day at the Red Arrows base in Lincolnshire (on a mutually convenient date).

Send Mike Payne your bids (to, and consult  the OC Society homepage to see who’s in the lead. You can then bid higher etc, up to the end of Friday July 2. The winners will then be announced. It is not essential for bidders to be OCs.

Even if you don’t want to bid, you might like to make a donation to the Friends of Tim Evans Trust.

Cheques should be made payable to ‘Friends of Tim’ and sent to c/o Caroline Jackman, Tilthams Farm, Tilthams Corner Road, Godalming, Surrey GU7 3DE.