Hume completes Atlantic row

Congratulations to Rich Hume (2 North, 2000) and university friend Tom Barnes, on completing their trans-Atlantic row. Their boat, Red Arrow, crossed the finishing line in  Antigua at 22.17GMT on March 17, with a crossing time of 72 days, 8 hours and 43 minutes and to escort them over the finish line was ex ocean rower Ben Fogle.

“Rich and Tom have experienced an emotional row as have all the crews with many ups and downs,” said the official competition press release. “They have reaped the rewards of having a superbly prepared boat with only one very minor water-maker issue, plenty of food for the whole trip and minimal injuries to themselves.

“With a very strong support crew on shore Tom & Richard have also had a sturdy ocean support crew made up of Terry the tuna, Willy & Wilma the whales & Nemo and Nema the little fish to name but a few! Some crews have had limited experiences seeing the wildlife during their crossing but Tom & Richard have certainly had this as a highlight during their row.”

Rich, in his final blog, said: “Nothing surprised me on the physical element of the row and how I coped other than my back being fine. I was surprised how i took the challenge mentally. I found it far harder than i thought it would be, <I>but</I> I’m proud to say that when we were not on anchor, neither myself or tom never missed a shift, including the time that I was very seasick. But, my god, how long were we on anchor…….!!!

“I really don’t think the enormity of the challenge has actually set in yet and I don’t think it will until all the boats are done.”

The other OC taking part in the Atlantic Rowing Challenge 2009, Sam Langmead (2 North, 2000), is expected to finish within the next week.