City Society

Jonathan Anayi (1 North, 1995) writes:
Over 60 OCs working in the City of London gathered for an evening of drinks and a mini-seminar at Schroders’ office in Gresham Street. Alan Brown (East, 1970), who is Group Chief Investment Officer at Schroders, gave an insightful and compelling articulation of the challenges facing the asset management industry. David Waters from the Cranleigh School Foundation gave an overview of the Foundation and its achievements.
As always, we value the link between the OC City Society and the School itself, so although School had broken up already, and as such we denied the presence of the many 6th formers who come up to the meetings to learn about the city, we were glad to have the Headmaster,-Guy Waller, and the careers advisor and history teacher, Richard Allon-Smith, among the attendees.
The City Society continues to snowball and the Autumn heralded our first move into the virtual world with the creation of an OC City Society webpage on (a sort of Facebook for professionals). Visit  id=2364204 to sign up.