First-round loss in Halford Hewitt

Nearly 30 OCs, together with the headmaster and Mike Payne, gathered at Deal last week to support our Halford Hewitt team in our 70th appearance at this notable competition organised by the Public Schools Golf Association. Drawn against a young Old Etonian side, the team battled against a cold and strong northerly wind to lose 1½ to 3½ in the first round.

Sadly Marcus Ferguson-Jones was unable to play, so Tony Whitty led the team consisting of John Davies, Martin Riddiford, Oliver Rosenberg, Mike Crane, Richard Williams, Luke
Parry, Adam Kendrick, Mark Connelly, and Abeed Janmohamed, with Matthew Hansford acting as team coach.

In the final, Tonbridge beat Merchant Taylors 3-2, having overcome a strong Bradfield side in the semis. In the Prince’s Plate we disappointingly lost to St. Bee’s. It was good to see Adam Kendrick come down from university during his finals to play his first HH. We hope this will encourage more young OCs to boost our aging team.

David Willis