The Old Cranleighan Society is run by a voluntary executive committee who represent a cross-section of OCs. Members of the committee are elected by OCs at the Annual General Meeting, according to the OCS’s constitution. All members of the OCS are invited to attend and vote.
The OC Society also employs a full-time manager, Vickie Ingle, who works out of Cranleigh School.
Old Cranleighan Society Officers:
President Dudley Couper (1 North, 1953)
Chairman Martin Williamson (2&3 South, 1980)
Hon Secretary Dodie Khurshid (West 1989)
Hon Treasurer Tony Strachan FCA (2&3 South, 1971)
Hon Solicitor Mark Lubbock (1&4 South, 1976)
Executive Committee members:
Graeme Brown, Will Fawcett, Helen Merry, Mike Payne, Ali Crossthwaite
Hon Secretary, OC Society
Dodie Khurshid, 44 Murray Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 4PE
E-mail: dodie@globalnet.co.uk
Home: 020 8944 6327 Mobile: 07806 602608
Hon Treasurer, OC Society
Tony Strachan, Orchard Cottage, Clock House Lane, Bramley, Guildford GU5 0AP
E-mail: tonystrachan1@hotmail.com
Home: 01483 892140 Mobile: 07889 392729