Following recent shocking events and renewed focus on women’s safety and rape culture a #metoo platform for sharing experiences of peer on peer sexual assault in school and university settings has emerged. Everyone’s Invited, a web and Instagram platform, contains testimonials from pupils concerning their experiences at school and university. Many are anonymous, some name the schools of perpetrators or victims, all are shocking and saddening. There is no date context, and some of the statements are recent, some older.

Although Cranleigh is not named, we wish to pledge our support to any young person who has ever undergone such an experience in any school or elsewhere. We support their bravery in coming forward with openness and honesty. We stand with them and against the culture they call out.

As a co-educational school, Cranleigh is wholly committed to educating young people about consent, healthy relationships, and the importance of challenging ‘bystander’ culture. We work continually to achieve greater understanding and respect between our pupils and continually review and expand our PSHEE programmes.

Everyone in our society has the responsibility to treat others with kindness and respect and our whole school aim is to ensure that this message is understood, adhered to in school, and carried forward into the lives of our pupils beyond education. If any members of our current or alumni community are affected by events we urge them to contact us.

Martin Reader and Dr Andrea Saxel