From the Headmaster

groupshotforfirstfeatureOne of the pleasures of the term has been meeting Old Cranleighans at the various reunions. The term began with Andrew Roberts’ (East 1976-1981) riveting lecture on Napoleon, with many OCs supporting. Five generations of the Roberts have attended the School and been a part of the Cranleigh family for most of its 150 years. This event was followed by the over-70s reunion, the OC Surveyors’ lunch, the annual dinner at the Winchester House Club in Putney, the invitational Golf Day and the City Society dinner. With other reunions also taking place since Easter, approaching 200 OCs have met together this spring. This does not even take in to account all the sports fixtures based at Thames Ditton.

Why does this matter? It tells me that the friendships made at Cranleigh last a life time; that shared experiences give meaning, even if they have not always been consistently happy or obedient to the School Conventions! It tells me a heritage which puts people at the heart must be preserved, even if the shapes of the School change with the time. Click here to read more

What has been really encouraging has been the extent to which OCs are willing to engage with current Cranleighans or more recent OCs leaving university or starting careers. At least four OCs told me how they were in their current jobs because of the opportunities for work experience, contacts, advice that another OC had given. OCs have also been assisting with careers advice and with the ‘speed-dating’ event on the UCAS day.

In a fiercely competitive world, the greater the need for connections; in a rapidly changing world, the greater the need for advice and support; in an increasingly global word, the greater the need for connections which span the globe, so the fact that Cranleigh Abu Dhabi leavers will be OCs is of prime importance. I am therefore immensely grateful to the Old Cranleighan Society for keeping people together; and for a vision of the future based first and foremost on friendship so that the impact of this fabulous School goes way beyond the age of 18. Cranleigh genuinely matters.