Charlie Firth, Cubitt 2016 (far left) and Sam Lenselink, North 2016 (centre)

On 1st August 2020 at least ten OCs took part in the Heroe’s Half Marathon: Bill Bathurst (Loveday 2015), Tom Farrelly (Loveday 2012), Charlie Firth (Cubitt 2016), Nick Going (East 2015), Jake Harvey (North 2016), Sam Lenselink (North 2016), Gregor McIntyre (Cubitt 2016), Cameron Montgomerie (East 2016), Ollie Pearman (North 2016), Charlie Serjeant (Loveday 2016) with others helping and supporting on the day

Organised by Sam Lenselink and originally planned for 4th July it fell victim to the ever changing rules around Social Distancing.  The marathon was run in aid of three charities:

  • Hospice UK
  • Mind – The National Association for Mental Health
  • NHS Charities Together

Start times were staggered from near Hampton Court Palace to allow for social distancing, and the finish was on Clapham Common.

The event was brilliantly organised (admire the joining instructions below!) and the runners have already raised £4,756.00.  Please let’s help get them to £5000.

To donate:  https://sponsorme.co.uk/samlenselink/heroes-half-marathon.aspx