The inaugural Jonny Miller (West, 1990-1995) Memorial Golf Day was held in 2016.  This year the event was held on the 11th August 2017 at the RAC Club.  Jonny died in October 2015 and this date was chosen because Sunday 13th August 2017 would have been his 40th Birthday.

Jonny’s father, Ian (1& 4 South, 1957-1962) and his brothers Duncan (Loveday 1998-2003) and Ed attended.  Ian flew in from France whilst Duncan came all the way from San Francisco. The event proved popular and they hope to make it an annual one to which all friends of Jonny’s will be welcome. The date for 2018 is yet to be confirmed but if you are interested in taking part please email Duncan Miller on to express your interest.

In 2016 the event was organised by Jonathan Strong (1&4 South, 1990-1995), and won by Mark Eshelby (2&3 South,1990-1995).This year it was organised by Mark Eshelby and won by Jonathan Briggs (2 North, 1990-1995).

There were 16 golfers on the day. Old Cranleighans included Duncan Miller, Mark Eshelby, Jonathan Strong, Jonathan Briggs, Euan Briggs (West, 1990-1995), Matthew Taylor (2 North, 1990-1995), Tom Dobson (1&4 South, 1990-1995), and Piers Stevens (Loveday, 1998-2003).  More Old Cranleighans and friends joined in for the evening.

We played on the Old Course and the day was won by Jonathan Briggs with a stableford score of 36 points, playing off of a handicap of 18. The longest drive was won by Duncan Miller,  the nearest the pin was won by Michael Strong and the par three challenge was won by Jonathan Strong which was apt given that he was arguably Jonny’s closest friend.

Duncan Miller (Longest Drive), Michael Strong (nearest the pin), Jonathan Strong (par three challenge and Jonathan Briggs (winner of the day)
Jonathan Briggs (winner of the day) and Euan Briggs
Jonathan Strong, winner of the par 3 challenge