Dear Old Cranleighan

I am pleased to advise you that I have been appointed Chairman of the Cranleigh Foundation in succession to Nigel Nicholson, who retired from the role at the end of the year.  I should like to thank Nigel for all that he achieved during his tenure of that office, which has set the Foundation on a path where it can prosper and flourish.

The Foundation has supported bursaries to provide a Cranleigh education for Foundationer  pupils, who have lost the support of one or both parents through exceptional or tragic circumstances and would benefit from the environment that Cranleigh can provide.

Some of you may have benefitted from the work of the Foundation and we sincerely hope that we can build on this to enable many more pupils to benefit from a Cranleigh education in future years.  I have to say, that being an Old Cranleighan, this is a cause which is very dear to my heart.

Our fund is still in its infancy but it is supporting at present six Foundationers.  I very much hope that within a period of five years, that number will have risen to twenty from the ages of 11 up to 18.  In some cases, parents might be able to make a financial contribution to their children’s education, However, it has to be presumed that most will not and the Foundation needs to build its funds on this assumption.

Last year was a most important one in the history of Cranleigh in that it completed its sesquicentennial.  150 years is a long period of time and the School rightly celebrated its many achievements.  I was pleased to see so many OCs return to the School for such a special year.  Old Cranleighans have always been loyal to the School and have been great supporters of the establishment in many different ways.  I look forward to seeing you at OC, School and Foundation events over the coming years.

Yours sincerely


Nick Meyer