Oliver Boag (North, 2003-2008) is involved with the acquisition and development of a portfolio comprising 500 plus high-end micro-homes across the UK for rent and sale.

“My property aspirations started at Cranleigh with advice from my school tutor. Later I was accepted to Oxford Brookes and there for three years I read a degree in Real Estate Management. During those three years I was introduced to the OC Surveyors’ Club run by Paul Jackson (2 North, 1961-1964).

“I attended the OC Surveyors’ Club lunches and managed to organise work experience at CBRE, Savills, RO Development and Latchmere Properties. After graduation in 2011, I was introduced to a property developer, Martin Skinner, who worked in the micro/co-living property market. He founded Inspired Asset Management.

“My early experience in 2012 involved the acquisition and conversion of run down real estate within zone two South East London into high quality micro/co-living products. As much as I enjoyed it, I was on an internship and I couldn’t be taken on permanently. I was offered a position with another company in tutoring the use of property valuation software. I’ve always had interest in the application of technology to enhance real estate.

“I re-joined Inspired Asset Management two years later. Along with many other aspects I work now within a team raising capital to buy vacant run-down office building and converting into cleverly designed high quality apartments, the product size being 27 sqm to 40 sqm. This allows the apartments to be priced affordably with high end finishing.

“Going forward, I would like to capitalise on the moving trend of micro and flexible living style accommodation be it residential apartments, hostels, hotels and serviced apartments. The area is constantly growing with the likes of Airbnb and WeWork.

“Looking back, I am very grateful for the encouragement I received from Cranleigh, Paul Jackson and colleagues of the OC Surveyors Club and also from my current boss Martin Skinner, the inspiration behind Inspired Asset Management. I wish to express my thanks to all.”