The last 18 months have been unprecedented. Thankfully, things now seem to be returning to normal. Lockdowns and restrictions would seem to have re-invigorated (forced?!) many people to rediscover lost form.

For a bunch of OCs from the early-mid 1990s, that form may have been the memory of a darting “pick-up-and-go” from the back of the scrum, or even a hearty slog over Clare’s Oak.  In reality it was the realisation (through the medium of the Strava Fitness App) that the same bunch of OCs had developed a fondness for over-priced lycra and similarly over-priced bicycles!

Mutual patting on the back progressed to an idea, and then that idea to reality. Currently 8 OCs, from the class of ’94 have decided to undertake a mammoth bike ride on 25 September 2021. We are raising money for the MS Society, in memory of our good friend and classmate, Tim Evans, who sadly passed away on 1 March 2016. We’ll be cycling 100 miles across the South Downs, finishing at Cranleigh School.

We have created a just giving fundraising page: https://www.justgiving.com/team/OverweightClassOf94

Please do give generously to help keep us motivated, whilst at the same time raising money for this incredibly worthwhile charity! The page gives you information about the team – and we will be able to keep you updated as we get nearer to the day. We would also love it if anyone felt that they would like to join for some, or all of the ride: Will Yule (1&4 South) is the “Route Master” and assures us that a 50 mile ride might be possible, for those interested. We have also instructed Will to allow plenty of “comfort breaks” (translation = cake stops!)

There are also support roles available (all good teams need a sweeper) so please do get in contact if you would like to help in any way.

Current Team Members:

Zane Sennett (2&3 South): “Mission Commander”

Will Yule (1&4 South): “Route Master”

Nigel Clarke (1 North): “Team Captain”

Simon Steel (2&3 South)

Oli Dudley (2 North)

Ben Mein (2 North)

Andy Robinson (1&4 South)

Ollie Childs (West)

Wil Rockall (Cubitt)

Many thanks: from the OVERWEIGHT CLASS OF 1994