Sadie Reid [nee Mcleod] (West, 2001-2003) is the founder of Hip & Healthy the first online luxury multi-branded sportswear retailer and now of the leading online sources in the UK for stylish active wear, and all things healthy. It is essentially a digital wellbeing website covering a variety of areas including fitness, fashion, travel, recipes. We asked her how she came to be doing what she does and how she manages it all.

Please describe your career path  (including how – if at all) you think your time at Cranleigh has helped you achieve what you have?

My time at Cranleigh was, in many ways, the first rung on my career ladder – if it hadn’t been for the wonderful Mr Leggit who believed in me so much as an English student – I wouldn’t have believed in myself and it was his belief that pushed me to pursue a degree in English.

After my degree I went to work for a magazine, Condé Nast Traveller, for five years and it was whilst I was there that I set up Hip & Healthy ( First as an online health and well-being magazine and later as a retailer as well – selling the worlds most luxurious and sought after active-wear and wellness products.

Did you have a mentor who has helped at any stage in your career?

I had a few different mentors for different things – I definitely haven’t been afraid to ask for help or advice along the way! And I would be more than happy to offer advice to any OCs that may be seeking answers – I can’t promise I will always have the solution but I would help if I can, and maybe be able to connect them to someone else if I didn’t feel it was something I knew much about.

Please describe your job and which part of it is most enjoyable and rewarding

My job now is running both the magazine and the retail side of H&H. This means that I am constantly exposed to different sides of the business and I love the variety it offers. But without doubt the most rewarding part is seeing people wear the clothes we sell or hearing someone say  ‘I find out about this place on Hip & Healthy’ – just genuinely enjoying the products that we put out there!

Do you feel your gender has presented any obstacles during your career and what has been the biggest challenge so far?

I don’t actually – if anything it has been helpful to be a woman in this industry as it is filled with like-minded ladies – some of whom have become great friends! It also helps to be good at multi-tasking and we all know women are better at that!

You have a young child – how do you balance work and home life?

It’s tricky and the only way I find it is possible is a ton of help – there is no way that the business would have survived if I had tried to do it all.

Health and fitness is clearly central to your career,  how does that translate into your daily routines?

I love to eat healthily and to run. I’m not much of a chef though and would always opt to do the washing up instead of the cooking. I run at least 4 times a week for at least 45 minutes at a time. I also meditate daily and occasionally go to yoga.

Do you have any words of wisdom for Old Cranleighans who are trying to decide on a career or are  trying to break into their career of choice

Follow your heart (rather than your head) – as long as you are doing something that sets your soul on fire you’ll be doing right by yourself and the world.