The Cranleigh Network

CAREERS FOR LIFE                                                                      

Still in its infancy, the Cranleigh Network is an exciting collaboration between the School and the Old Cranleighan Society. It is a ‘careers for life’ programme which is intended to help Old Cranleighans with practical support and resources throughout their careers, from help at school with CV design and work placements through post-graduate employment to potential career change initiatives later in life.

This year we held a Careers Fair which was attended by over 20 speakers, along with parents and OCs. This event has supported the Upper Fifth and Lower Sixth students in the first steps along their chosen Career path.

Professionals’ Suppers are held each term, enabling pupils to meet and eat with a wide variety of experts from various fields, gaining advice, support and inspiration.

For the first time this year we have invited back recent OC leavers who are now at University or who made different choices, to talk to the Upper Fifth at UCAS day, to help inform the important decisions they are about to make.

One area in which the OCS is particularly well positioned to help is offering mentoring to those starting out in their chosen career. Using its ever increasing network we can align experienced professionals with young OC undergraduates so that the former can offer advice and insight into their chosen career.

All recent OCs should benefit from the above, but we hope less recent leavers will also embrace the opportunity to take part as a mentor, a speaker, or in some other way as your career progresses.