In September we reported that Alex Ashman (East 1999-2004), his fiancee Kate and the couple’s four-month old triplets were safe and well after their home on Tortola in the British Virgin Islands was destroyed by Hurricane Irma.  They are now back in the UK and Alex has has provided us with an update on their situation and the wider situation in the BVI.

“After the house collapsed around us we were evacuated to Puerto Rico and from there we made it back to the UK.  We have now been back for 2 weeks and are slowly trying to look forward and plan our next steps.

Our entire house came down around us but fortunately everyone inside was unhurt and during the eye of the storm we managed to go to a neighbours house to shelter for the remainder of the hurricane.

We are hoping to return to the BVI and rebuild but for now the timing is unsure due to the conditions and overall state of the country.

BVI has been very badly damaged, the current estimates are that the island will have power restored in approximately 6 months.  Approximately 70% of the charter yachts in the hurricane hole were damaged or destroyed.   Order has now been restored thanks to the Royal Marines and the Royal Navy who at time of writing are still situated there.  The damage is so great they have two naval vessels in the territory RFA Mounts Bay and HMS Ocean.

The picture is of myself, my fiancé, her sister, the triplets and the friends who were with us in the house during the Hurricane and helped to get the babies out. This was taken the day after we were evacuated to Puerto Rico.

It has been incredible how generous everyone has been especially towards the babies, from OCs to other friends and family as well as some businesses. We have had a lot of clothes donated to the girls, more than we needed, so we sent the excess items to BVI house in London to be sent to the BVI.

Below are links to two fund raising sites, the first is the Sir Richard Branson site – 100% of the money raised will be going to the BVI and the other is for a food van – Al Broderick the owner is cooking hot meals for free for children in the BVI another very good cause.”

