where is the filmStephen Kent (2&3 South, 1961-1966) writes: “My wife and I had lunch with Jonathan Farmer and his wife some time ago and we had a fabulously nostalgic time reminiscing about our time at Cranleigh. Both he and I were at Cranleigh from 1961 to 1966. Jonathan told me about attempts he had made to see if a film that he was very involved in in 1965 marking the centenary of the school was still around. He thought it lasted about one hour and was on a large 16mm reel. He also thought that Duncan Noel-Paton was the teacher in charge.

Jonathan was, I think, thinking in terms of some general interest now that the 150th Anniversary of the school approaches. But so far the reel of film seems to have eluded discovery.

Duncan Noel-Paton (Common Room, 1962-72) writes: “The film is one of the mysteries of my life as it has completely disappeared. I had to show it at the centenary celebrations in silent form with myself as an uneasy live commentator! It was huge fun to make – though a John Fortune-designed explosion and a DNP simulated riot in the Dining Hall nearly caused my dismissal from the school – and all the boys and masters who acted in it and supported the project had a good time. I tend to agree with the view that it wasn’t very good, though some of the sequences were quite exciting and it should have survived, if only as a nostalgic curiosity.”

Can anyone help track it down? …..