International Tickets

The Club receives a small allocation of tickets for England Internationals at Twickenham. We make every effort to allocate them to Club members (who have paid their subscriptions of course!). If you are a member of the OCRFC please feel free to download the form (a Word doc) and apply.

Tickets will not be allocated to any member who has not paid his subscription. All tickets issued are only for the use of the applicant and their personal guests on the day. It is expressly forbidden to sell any ticket; any tickets not required should be returned to Simon Laws of the OCRFC. Tickets are subject to the RFU terms & conditions, which are to be found on the RFU website at:

The RFU are imposing severe penalties on clubs whose members are found to be trafficking tickets, including using auction websites such as eBay, Gumtree & Viagogo. All tickets are traceable to issued individuals; guilty parties are therefore immediately identifiable and will be subject to sanctions imposed by the Club’s Committee which may include but not be limited to the following sanctions:

Prohibition on receiving any future allocations for three years;
‘Naming and shaming’;
No refund for tickets offered for sale in breach of the above;
Possible expulsion from the OCRFC

September 11, 2020